LO help (F1) se otvírá jen on-line (F1 help opens only in browser)

Ačkoli mám nainstalovaný off-line help, stále se otvírá v prohlížeči. Netuší někdo proč? Dělo se mi to i u starší verze. Tu jsem odinstaloval a odstranil i adresář z Progam Files (netuším, jestli nezbylo nějaké nastavení v registrech).

Although I have installed off-line help, it still opens in the browser. Does anyone know why? It was doing even with the older version. I uninstalled older version and removed the Progam Files directory (I don’t know if there was any setting left in the registry).


Please see answer in this post → I inadvertently switched from built-in help to web-based help. How do I go back to built-in help?

Thank you. I didn’t really notice that.
I am overwhelmed with work and I perceive the news late. Thanks again.