Lost Shortcut key for 'Manage Styles'

I want to change the shortcut key for the Manage Styles dialog from F11 to Ctl-X.

In the Tools.Customize.Keyboard dialog, I

  • selected F11 key (preset to Manage Styles)
  • Clicked ‘Modify’
  • Selected Styles
  • Clicked Apply

Now neither F11 or Ctl-X raise the dialog. And the ‘Manage Styles’ function does not appear (as far as I can see) in the actions available for mapping.

How to fix?

Duplicate of Lost Shortcut key for 'Manage Styles'

First thing it says in the Help for this dialog is Avoid assigning shortcut keys that are currently used by your operating system. CTRL+X is a system key for Cut (to clipboard).

As far as I can see your order of operation for changing the assignments was wrong. You have probably assigned F11 to the first thing on the list, in mine it would be 100% (zoom). To change yours back to Styles

  1. Select the Shortcut key, F11
  2. In the Functions search field, type Styles
  3. Click button Modify
  4. OK out

Please remove your other identical post

Please move your answer to the other duplicate as this one is already closed (seems you started answering already while I closed it).

@erAck This is the second time I’ve managed to post the same question twice. Usually my first post is rejected for improper tag so I correct and post again. Then I end up with two posts.

That maybe happens if you use your browser’s back button to get back to the Ask Your Question page and then resubmit.