Make a brochure on Libre Office

how do I make a Tri-fold brochure on Libre Office?

With which application: Writer, Draw, Impress, Calc? You tagged common, implying you use them all.
What is your OS? LO version?

I would like to stick with Writer. My OS? LO version? Where do I find that info, please?

I can use a spread sheet if it is easier. Can I use impress with a brochure? I thought that was only for power points.

Your OS may be Windows xx (please tell the version). LibreOffice version is read through Help>About LibreOffice.

If you’re working with Writer for a 3-fold document, It boils down to layout of your “pages” in the correct order. I think the easiest way is to set a landscape page with 3-columns.

I will try that. Thank so much!

I hope I have understood your request correctly.
Here you can find LibreOffice flyer to fold.
They were created in Draw.
Maybe you can use it as a sample.

If you prefer to work with Writer, this description might help you:
Layout in Writer

Take into account that in Draw you work with text fields and in Writer you can use frames, which are very suitable for this kind of work.

My OS is: High Sierra 10.13.6

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Wow, thank you!