What you are asking for is a lot of information as so many things interact with each other. Will present what may be just a start for information.
First, you discuss the model, inserting and setting position and size of a control. From StarOffice 7 Basic Programmers Guide:
The Three Aspects of a Control Element Form
A control element of a form has three
First, there is the Model of the control element. This is the key
object for the StarOffice
Basic-programmer when working with
control element forms.
The counterpart to this is the View of the control element, which
administers the display information.
Since control element forms within the documents are administered like a
special drawing element, there is also
a Shape object which reflects the
drawing element-specific properties of
the control element (in particular its
position and size).
The StarOffice guide PDF is here → https://www.mitomap.org/foswiki/pub/MITOWIKI/ArchivedProjectDataCuration/StarOffice_7_Basic_Programmers_Guide.pdf
A few other good references:
OpenOffice macros explained by Andrew Pitonyak → http://www.pitonyak.org/OOME_3_0.pdf
Andrew Base → http://www.pitonyak.org/database/AndrewBase.pdf
There is also some code in regard to you question. See → Creating Buttons and Assigning Code from Macro
Now that contains the instance for a command button. Here is a page with other controls (including image control) → com::sun:
:form::component Module Reference
This should be enough to get you started in the right direction.
Here is the code from my comment and the pieces needed from the link and the control for image button:
Option Explicit
Sub CreateButton
Dim oDoc As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oDrawPage As Object
Dim oButtonModel As Object
Dim sScriptURL As String
oDoc = ThisComponent
oSheet = oDoc.Sheets.getByIndex(0)
oDrawPage = oSheet.DrawPage
sScriptURL = "vnd.sun.star.script:Standard.Module1.ButtonPushEvent?language=Basic&location=document"
oButtonModel = AddNewButton("Button_1", "Button_1", oDoc, oDrawPage)
End Sub
Function AddNewButton(sName As String, sLabel As String, oDoc As Object, oDrawPage As Object) As Object
Dim oControlShape As Object
Dim aPoint
Dim aSize
Dim oButtonModel As Object
oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.ControlShape")
aPoint = CreateUnoStruct("com.sun.star.awt.Point")
aSize = CreateUnoStruct("com.sun.star.awt.Size")
aPoint.X = 1000
aPoint.Y = 1000
aSize.Width = 3000
aSize.Height = 1000
oButtonModel = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.form.component.ImageButton")
oButtonModel.Name = sName
AddNewButton = oButtonModel
End Function
Sub DeleteControl
Dim Doc As Object
Dim Shape as Object
Dim Sheet as Object
Dim DrawPage as Object
Dim I as integer
Doc = ThisComponent
Sheet = Doc.Sheets.getByIndex(0)
DrawPage = Sheet.DrawPage
For i = 0 to DrawPage.Count - 1
Shape = DrawPage(i)
If HasUnoInterfaces(Shape, "com.sun.star.drawing.XControlShape") Then
If Shape.Control.Name = "Button_1" Then
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
This now deletes previous image button on first sheet and inserts a new one. You must insert your location for the image button. Will delete comment code relating to the deleting of the control.
Edit #2:
Also be aware there is an open bug report → tdf#46579