Microsoft Excel VBA Sort function which works with LibreOffice Calc without modification

@Lupp, thanks for the interesting question!
As far as I know, the Worksheet.UsedRange range in the .xlsx archive structure is reflected in the <dimension tag ref attribute of the sheetN.xml file. If your querqueestions.ods file is saved as .xlsm format, we will see
<dimension ref="B4:J25"/>
Cell B4 is included in this range.
The dimension specification (for the format .xls) is here. It specifies which cells are included in the UsedRange (Excel).

My Opinion: the result of running macro

Option VbaSupport 1 
Sub Test
  Msgbox Worksheets(1).UsedRange.Address
End Sub

for your file should be $B$4:$J$25 (now $B$5:$J$25).