moving a row or column

I would like to move a column to another position, pushing other columns to the right
I would like to move a row up or down, pushing the other columns down one position

HOW?? under Version: for a Mac, OS

Just hold Ctrl, Alt or Ctrl+Alt key while drag selection

Old demo

I amended the query to make it clear I was using a Mac. There is no Alt.key in a MacBook. I tried combinations of Control Option and Command. None worked.

I seem have the same problem under version with Macos, at work on Windows 10 I can move the rows and columns with pressing down the alt key. But at home on MacOS I can’t find out how it’s done, While dragging the row or column I tried pressing CRTL/ ALT (option ) / CTRL + ALT to fit it where I want, but it does not work like on Windows.

@Bouf Did you mean tdf#58440 or tdf#136389?

@JohnSUN I think the problem is the same than tdf#58440.