My Spread Sheet has gone all dark since I last used it about two weeks ago

When I last opened this spread sheet on the 7th of February, all was normal - white back ground, black text. Today, I suddenly have black backgound white text and the whole thing is unreadable! This is a very important document for me, and I need help! I have tried looking at format - themes, but nothing is changing.

Yours sincerely,
Jacq Felis.

You have upgraded to 25.2.x.x in the meantime?
Probably the easiest way is to click Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Appearance and choose a new LibreOffice Theme (Office 2003 Blue will do) from the icon with tooltip Add more themes. Allow LibreOffice to restart.

If you still have trouble, then this answer should help, New Writer loads in Dark Mode - #3 by vsfoote

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Thank you very much! All is well,