Opening Recent Documents

I am presently using LibreOffice, and have noticed that the menu option File-Recent Documents gives only one set of unique type od recent documents e.g. *.xlxs files type in you have requested this from an opened Calc file.

In the menu File-Recent Documents *could there be ALL the recent documents shown segregated as Writer, Calc Impress etc. files instead of showing only the recent .xlxs files if say Calc has allready been open ?

This would be really helpful and give faster access to users wishing to access other/different “recent documen” types immediately.

Kindly note that this feature was earlier available in version 7.6.2 but was done away with after upgrad to version 24.8.

Has your OS a “universal” application-independent Recent Documents menu? I.e. you select your document outside LO.

I am using the latest updated version of Windows 10 Pro. And yes I could select the document outside L.O. to open it.

But that is not my point.

If I have say opened a CALC document first which I can easily access from the initial LibreOffice shortcut interface (which shows graphical representations several of ALL TYPES of my recent documents) and if I then need to access say a recent WRITER document using L.O., I find it convenient to go to File-Recent Documents BUT ONLY fFIND my recent xlxs docs listed there and NOT my other recent document types.

As I said, L.O. version 7.6.2 used to show a list of ALL TYPES of my recent document in Menu-File-Recent Documents, segregated TYPE-wise, even though I accessed this from a CALC document.

This was changed with the upgrade to 24.2 and later continued with the 24.8 version upgrade.

All I am asking is for L.O. to revert to the earlier Menu-File-Recent Documents which shows ALL DIFFERENT TYPES of recent documents, segregated TYPE-wise, which was really SO VERY CONVENIENT.

Please see if thi revert is possible. Thank you.

From the ReleaseNotes/24.8 - The Document Foundation Wiki :

The recent document list will now only show documents for the current module (Writer only showing text documents, Calc only showing spreadsheets, etc). The change simply toggles the ShowCurrentModuleOnly setting from False to True, and can be changed back in Expert Configuration.

Thank you for this suggestion which looks promising.

Could you kindly advise me how to get this done, and could it be made a permanent feature in future upgrades of the LibreOffice software for convenience of busy users like me :slightly_smiling_face:?

Go to Expert Configuration

Search for ShowCurrentModule, double click on the value to toggle between True and False.

Thank you very much for your guidance. It worked.

Humbly requesting/suggesting that the LibreOffice developers keep the toggle FALSE for the ShowCurrentModuleOnly setting in Expert Configuration - as a permanent feature in the the future upgrades of the LibreOffice software., to help and simplify this issue for the convenience of all the users of this marvellous software.

Thanks again.

The setting should survive updates but will revert if you reset your user profile, LibreOffice user profile - The Document Foundation Wiki

The change to recent documents on a per application basis is a result of several enhancement requests over the years.

Your statement demonstrates the diversity of user cases. As Alan Perlis said: One man’s constant is another man’s variable. Meaning: personal tastes conflict with others’.

The change is the result of users request who complained for the mix of different file types in the menu. Fortunately, the developers allowed for customisation, even if it is buried deep in “Advanced configuration”.

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Your input is noted. And much appreciated. Thank you.

@ajlittoz (Profile - ajlittoz - Ask LibreOffice)
To your comment “The change is the result of users request who complained for the mix of different file types in the menu” : may I suggest that the L.O. developers mitigate this issue by keeping multiple documents types in the drop down list of File-Recent Documents with the recent docs of the current module at the very top of the list (limited to say 4 docs) followed by a faint but visible horizontal separation line and then the segragated list of recent document types each set (limited to say 4 docs) followed by a faint but visible horizontal separation line - and having a descending timeline order for each set of recent L.O. document types.

This would probably involve a great deal of software tweaking as you have rightly stated as "being buried deep in “Advanced configuration” ", but I am sure that this challenge will bring out the best in brilliance and creativity of the L.O. developers… .

I must add that that the entire usage of the LibreOffice software coupled with the ability to address such issues to enhance this amazing suite of Office applications in this Forum is NOTHING SHORT of an immense pleasure, for me and many others, to use and be involved with such an outstanding community eager to bring out the best for their users with each upgrade.

Please keep up this good work. And thank you !!!

tdf#159120 has discussion about, and further links relating, to the decision to make the default TRUE.

Note that this is not the place for bug reports or enhancement requests - see Feature requests

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Website Bug: Multiple languages - #2 by fpy