Order of items in report different to order in form

I am setting up a small database to write invoices using tables, forms and queries to call reports to print invoices (I am using Libreoffice base on Windows 10). I am using a form and populate this with items (which are on an items table) to create the invoices.
I have the situation that the printed output on reports does change the order of the items, I cannot find the reason or settings to change this. Does anybody have an idea why this would happen?
thanking you in advance for a possible answer.

Edit: those items are in the details area of the form.

If you ask so general: sorting in forms is usually determined by a query.

The sorting in reports must be specified there in the report itself.

I hope it helps you.

Thank you very much for your answer ebot. I had made a query to create the report, is that where the sorting query needs to be? or is this to be done as a query to the form itself?


As noted in a previous question here - With the information presented there is little else to be done. It would be best if you would post a scrubbed sample with this problem.