Orphans control

Is it possible for Writer to take the orphans to the next line by himself? I’m not sure what its name in english. In polish is “sierota”.
Its when is alone letter (conjunction) on line.
Now i correct it using “hard space”

Orphan control is in Format > Paragraph > Text Flow or in right click on Text Body style, Modify > Text Flow. Default is 2 lines but can be turned off or altered to another value. An orphan is a single line of text at the end of a page with the rest of its paragraph on the following page.

From what I can find, a single word on a line by itself at the end of a paragraph is called a runt (smallest piglet in a litter). See question71679, unanswered

Where is is distracting, I have dealt with it by either the same way as you, or by expanding the text above by adding in an unnecessary adjective or similar.

Bug tdf#100418 was posted by author of linked question in previous comment. You could add to it.

Orphan control will not solve the runt issue because orphan/widow are related to the first and last lines in a page. Read fully this warning! word “line” is used, not “words”.

In the runt case, you’re bothered with a small number of words in a line (anywhere in the page). There is presently no control for this case in Writer.