A much more simpler way to reset the position, is to just open the file, place the cursor at the very top and resave 
Removing the user-data has no impact on the stored cursor position, it only prevents it from being restored when loading the document. (as manj_k mentioned, it is only used when the editor of the document matches the name in the from the user-data in the options)
It is stored in the document - and while removing the creator from meta.xml prevents it from being restored in the UI, the information itself won’t be thrown away. The info is stored in settings.xml in the node and can be requested explicitly using Restore editing view (default shortcut: <shift>+<F5>) even when the user-data doesn’t match up and thus the document opens at the very top.
So if you want to remove it manually from the fileformat, remove the View* related entries from settings.xml but just placing the cursor at the beginning or end and resaving seems so much simpler - so I join manj_k in the question “Why would you want to do that in the first place?”