Poor outprints from spread sheets

I use a Canon 6100 printer that works perfect for all applications. But suddenly when I print a spreadsheet all lines are not filled, some lines are not printed at all. This happens only every time when printing a spread sheet, not any other document or picture.

It seems as the driver just does not like spread sheets.

Anyone knows anything about this?

You might like to add LO version and operating system, use the button in Help > About LibreOffice to copy the information to the clipboard.

Have you looked at this question, I typed a spreadsheet in column A with 88 rows. On printing, every third line is blank. How do I correct this? ?

Thanks for suggestions.
The LO version is (x64)
It is not that entire cells are missing in the print. Some lines here and there miss the upper or lower part so that it is not readable. The driver shows a perfect page before printing.
In one document the problem disappeared when I made a frame around each cell. But that does not work with all documents.
If I make a pdf file of the spread sheet the same problems are shown when printing that.
If I copy the content of the sheet to a Write document all problems are gone, aside from the obvious formatting changes.

Could you also include the operating system? I’m guessing Windows…10? Or if Windows, have you recently updated to 11?
Are you discussing the imagePROGRAF iPF6100? That’s a beast!
Is the issue gapping or collapsing…blank spaces or missing parts?
Have you tried printing on a full bed size sheet?
If you ask the driver to rotate the sheet, does the issue track with the rotation or track with the source? (Does is stay a rows issue, or become a columns issue?)

Is it the grid lines that are not printing?

I suspect you have the Canon TS6100, 1200 dpi vertical, not the beast. If I look at Why can’t I set my own height in rows? I see that Calc uses Twips as measurement (1/1440 inch, approx 0.02 mm). This should be sufficient to define a line with width 0.05mm.

Looking at the printer specifications a little more, it is a CMYK printer, that means the actual nozzle that deposits a single colour has a vertical resolution of 300 lines per inch (divide 1220 by the number of nozzles, 4). That equates to a resolution of 0.08 mm, enough to skip an entire line if only one colour is used for printing.

The resolution would be to either:

  • set a border for printed cells of minimum thickness 0.1mm
  • use full colour printing for the grid, the printer will emulate black for those lines that the black nozzle will skip. That could be:
    • In Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Print untick the box Convert colours to greyscale
    • In the printer driver , untick Greyscale or Print in Black or similar. You might need to change your defaults or printing profile.


How wonderful with great ideas. Thank you!
I know now that the problem must have nothing with LO to do. I followed your smart advise to ask the driver to rotate the sheet.
And the problems were on the same place on the paper. They did not follow the rotation.
I just must be related to the printer not to LO.

I will make new efforts to clean the printer head.

I must apologize to all of you who have tried to help me. I should not have suspected LO, this wonderful program.

