Print current page shortcut

Can we have an icon that will cause only the current page to be printed? It seems silly that LibreOffice doesn’t have this useful feature.

You could do that with a macro run from a button on a toolbar. Maybe it would be more useful for print/print preview to open at the current page rather than the first page.

Yes. I am suggesting/recommending that it be implemented more readily, perhaps by just typing Alt+P, which I think is what Microsoft Word allows.

I had a vague feeling that Writer used to have current page, tdf#34697 says it was applied in print dialogue for Writer. I don’t see it any more.

It is worth having a look at the bug, there is a macro there that the author says should do what you want.

Or you could look at writer print current page

Can I request that the developers try to implement a way to print the current page by pressing one or two keystrokes? I am sure that many users would find this useful.

Yup. You can add a comment to the bug

A simple macro to print current page:-

sub PrintPage
  Dim oVC, CPage$, Args(1) As New
  oVC = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getViewCursor
  CPage = Str(oVC.getPage)
  Args(0).Name = "Pages" : Argss(0).Value = CPage
end sub 'PrintPage

I have customised a keystroke (which could be Alt-P) to execute the macro.

Thank you. I am suggesting that it would be helpful to many users if a keystroke implementing this macro formed part of the system.

agreed (plus some words to fulfil the 10 character minimum)

If you don’t add a comment to the bug I linked before, tdf#34697, they won’t know what you want. Developers don’t live here, only users