Problem with passing a simple UI test for a my addon

I want to create a simple UI test for a my addon.
I created a sample addon for that question: GitHub - MrAlexFed/LibreOffice-Addon-Sample: Simple LibreOffice addon for asking LibreOffice developers questions

I created a simple UI test (you can find it in repo), this test calls an addon dialog window through a button. The test hangs on due to the XDialog object calls an execute method (LibreOffice-Addon-Sample/Toolbar.cxx at dfe81904a6bf47ee265d246a8a44c843eab640a7 · MrAlexFed/LibreOffice-Addon-Sample · GitHub). Should I use std::thread on the execute method to escape this blocking execution?

PS: I have written the addon on Windows.

maybe try to ask on IRC or mailing list