Python not recognized in LibreOffice 24.8.?

I’ve just upgraded from LibreOffice 2.4.2 to 2.8.2 (on Windows 7) . My python macros no longer work and I get a message “Scripting language not recognized”. Reverting to LibreOffice 2.4.2 fixes the problem. Is this a bug in LibreOffice 2.8.2 or do I need to do something else in addition to just installing the new version.

I presume you mean 24.2 and 28.2. May be related to tdf#162962

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tdf#16962 affects ScriptForge only.

I believe you are correct, that it is the same bug and is a bug on all windows platforms including Windows 11.

I reported the bug to Bugzilla and I’ve been told that its been fixed and will be released in version 25.2.0. Does version 25.2.0 mean a version that will be released in February 2025?

Yes. See ReleasePlan - The Document Foundation Wiki

Please share the bug number. I suspect that there may be a confusion there, because I don’t believe we fix anything related to the Python-on-Windows-7 thing at this point. In the late pre-release stage of 24.8 cycle, it turned out that we had to switch to the Python version that is not supported on Win7 anymore - and thus, Windows 7 is practically unsupported now, even though it isn’t marked as such (it is only “deprecated” in release notes - a confusing state; but note how the Python anticipated problems, and unofficial ways to try to workaround that, are described there). It won’t change in 25.2 (or it may mark Windows 7 officially unsupported) - so I don’t expect any such problem fixed…

Aha, I suppose that you didn’t report anything new to the Bugzilla, but added a comment (#7) to tdf#162962, which didn’t describe your situation at all, even “a Windows platform” there didn’t tell your exact Windows version; and assumed (based on completely unspecified grounds) that that bug has something to do with your case. No it does not; as said, your OS is known and expected to have troubles running Python in LibreOffice 24.8.

The bug number is tdf#162962
@Lupp made a link assigned to the given bug number.

which has nothing to do with the matter of fact that your Windows7 is no longer supported which is the reason why you can’t use any Python code with LibreOffice on Windows7. This affects the latest LibreOffice on very old Windows versions.
“ScriptForge” is a collection of macros shipped with LibreOffice. Version 24.8 fails to call these macros from the Python language on all versions of Windows. Macros and extensions written in Python do work on recent Windows systems as long as they do not depend on the “ScriptForge” libraries.

Thank you