I am looking to back-up a Base database other than just copying the ODB file. Other SQL RDBMSs I’ve used in the past were able to export both structure and data to a ‘.sql’ text file which could be used to restored the database if needed. I found a web site which advised using the SQL “SCRIPT ‘file.sql’” in the SQL window of Base but this generates an error. I have downloaded a trial version of RazorSQL which can apparently do the job but I am dubious that it can handle an embedded Firebird server as with Base. Does anyone have any information on this topic?
For Firebird there is a breve explanation Firebird FAQ on how to with an ISQL -a command option, but it needs Firebird server installed. Like it’s mentioned in the Faq can be done with FlameRobin a very light database administrator for Firebird.
I do not see any method from ISQL or FlameRobin to gain access to the embedded Firebird database. Seems each would require this to be a server registered DB.
Could you provide some insight to this?
Surely I was not clear in my answer, you require the Firebird server installed and running it from a command line.
Sorry having server installed was clear. What is not clear is how, even from the command line, ISQL is able to access the embedded Firebird database.
Have never been able to do this. And FlameRobin certainly requires the DB to be registered.
That is, unless you are actually stating to use the server instead of the embedded file.
Your right, but copying/extracting the database file from the odb file to a system folder, I think can be done and automated with batch on the OS, or maybe calling the batch or the commands from a macro.
Thank you for responses. Yes, can envision that method as have already used similar in transferring DB’s from server to embedded. Just was hoping for a simpler method such as what RazorSQL seem to perform.
Thanks m.a.riosv and Ratslinger, between you you’ve answered my question.
Please see answer in his post regarding RazorSQL → generate sql table dump from Base
Personally don’t have any experience with this product.