LibreOffice version; os: v7.2.3.2 (x64); windows 10.
I have a file, reference_values.ods, which has several named ranges in it: range1, range2, range3, etc.
I have another file, calculations.ods, which looks up data in the other file: vlookup(“something”,range1,2,0), and so on.
The ranges are named in the first file, reference_values. The second file also has named ranges, but they refer to the names in the former file, so:
reference_values.ods has:
range1 is $sheet1.$a$2:$b$10
range2 is $sheet1.$a$12:$b$24
calculations.ods has:
range1 is ‘file:///c:/users/me/documents/reference_values.ods’#range1
range2 is ‘file:///c:/users/me/documents/reference_values.ods’#range2
When I open calculations.ods, I usually get a warning about automatic updating being disabled, and if I’d like to enable it, click on the “Allow updating” button; I click on the button.
After this, I’m staring at calculations.ods in calc, all my data is there, any cell with a vlookup() says #NAME? instead of the looked up value. If I hit f9, or ctrl+shift+f9 to force an update, the #NAME? error remains.
If I click on “manage names” and get that window open, select range1, then click on “Range for formula expression”… just click on it, no changes or edits, and repeat this for range2, all of my calculations begin to work again.
I’d love to figure out how to make it work without manually opening the named ranges editor each time I open the calculations file. How do I get this to just work? Am I doing something wrong or missing a step?