Remove the default space in the ToC between chapter number and the chapter itself

  1. Set up chapter numbering:

    Tools > Chapter Numbering:

    • Numbering:

      • Level = 1
      • Number = 1, 2, 3


    • Position:

      • Numbering followed by = Nothing
      • Indent at = 0


  2. Create two headings Foo and Bar


  3. Create the ToC. You will notice that the chapter number is separated from the Chapter by a space.


Is it possible to remove it?

Why do I want this, at all?

I want this because I dont’t want to have the period after the chapter number in the text itself, but I want to have this period in the ToC. So it should be:

In the text:

1    Foo (there will be a tab)
2    Bar

In the ToC:

1. Foo
2. Bar

Without removing the “default” space after the section number in the ToC, the ToC will look like

1 . Foo
2 . Bar

This is not what I want, of course. So I need to find a way to remove the “default” space or some workaround.

It looks like this spurious space can’t be removed.

The TOC structure is defined by the dialog when you create the TOC (or right-click in the TOC and Edit index) in the Entries tab. The chapter number is inserted with the E# key. This key seems to be suffixed by a space, independently of any separator you can type between E# and E.

The list style feature does not allow either to change the dot-separator within a number sequence nor to eliminate the last dot.

I’m afraid there is no solution.

This key seems to be suffixed by a space, independently of any separator you can type between E# and E .

A very strange decision, I would say. We already have an option to insert as many spaces as we want manually. So there is no point to insert the default one: it just makes ToC less flexible.

Feel free to support the request for enhancement:


I fully agree with you and added a comment to tdf#145473.

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