Round Down is Rounding Up

Take a look at the screenshot above. It shows which value it passes to ROUNDDOWN. Namely, 1.999999999999995. This value is obtained using a calculation of 1.99999999999999 + 0.000000000000005. And since there is a limit of what the cell can show you, it is checked, that the result of rounding down is larger than the original, by ~5e-15, using the negation.

Simply put: whenever there is ROUNDDOWN(x) - x > 0, the function works incorrectly, according to your definition - no matter how you defined x.


Excel Result: 1.99
Looks correct to me.

Calc Result: 2.00
Look wrong to me.

ROUNDDOWN(x) - x injects floating point error. ROUNDDOWN(x) is not the issue. The issue is - x floating point error. Akin to the 8.94-8 floating point error (0.93999999999999995).

Stop injecting floating point errors and then blaming the unexpected result on the round down function.

Again I ask. What “VALUE” does Excel incorrectly round down? Give a numeric value. Not an equation that results in floating point error.

OK, you claim that I gave you not a value. I claim that I gave you a correct value, and a correct procedure to validate the claimed error. Moreover, I claim that if you insist that for any given value, no matter how created, the expression ROUNDDOWN(x) - x may produce a value greater than 0, and that is not because of the Rounddown, but because of subtraction, then it is even more severe problem, not a mere correction introduced for very clear and sound reasons, but a plain violation of all fundamental arithmetic rules and also of IEEE 754 requirements, which means that the claimed introduction of the FP error by subtraction can’t be its cause. Then I claim that all this shows that you simply don’t understand what you are saying, or alternatively that you are a simple troll.

One can validate that the values 1.99999999999999, 1.99999999999999 + 5e-15, 1.99999999999999 + 10e-15 form a correct sequence, and their subtraction gives expected results. Further, subtracting the last value from the result of rounddown of the second last gives 0. And there is a UI limitation imposed by Excel, not using and not showing more than 15 significant digits in literals, but no restriction in the values created by calculation.

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You still have not produced a value that Excel rounds down incorrectly. All you have given are calculations whos incorrect result is fed into the round down function and then blame the round down function for the unexpected result.

And also this…
Yo, The negation of =ROUNDDOWN(1.99999999999999,9) is -1.999999999. Not -1.99999999999999

Again, for the 3rd time, I ask. What value does Excel not round down correctly?