So here is the Macro…That is working!!! But fail to SAVE
After running the following macro, I can see the correct % at the form (MsgBox & Field). The field that is receiving the data back is “txtCal_DownPay_P” only part that is missing is even though the information is updated form’s SAVE button still gray and I can’t save it. The only way to save it is…If I go to that field and rewrite the calculated info than SAVE wakes up!! How to fix it, please!!!
Sub Call_Calculator (Event as Object)
dim Form as Object
dim tempP_SalesPrice as double
dim tempDownPay as double
dim tempDownPay_P as double
Form = Event.Source.Model.Parent
tempP_SalesPrice = Form.getByName("txtP_SalesPrice").currentvalue
tempDownPay = Form.getByName("txtCal_DownPay").currentvalue
tempDownPay_P = tempDownPay / tempP_SalesPrice
Form.getByName("txtCal_DownPay_P").text = tempDownPay_P
MsgBox("Down payment % is "& tempDownPay_P)
End Sub