Saving personal dictionary, (the words I added to LibreOffice dictionary), saving or copying them to another computer

I have added many words from King James Bible to the current dictionary in LibreOffice and would like to transfer to another computer. Or is there a dictionary with all the old English King James Bible that I could add to LibreOffice?


The user dictionaries are stored in your user profile - see - in a sub-directory wordbook. You can copy those files to a user profile on another machine, even on a different operating system.

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Thanks @robleyd! Will save me a lot of work.

Dictionaries may be found at the extension sites of LO and AOO:

Thanks @robleyd, I did not know there was such a place! I will spend much time there later. Thanks for the help.

@robleyed thanks. Being a newbie this below fro you helped. A lot.
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But did I do it all? I believe I did, but not sure about closing the question? How is that done?

Under your avatar to the right of your question are a number of actions you have karma to perform I’ve given you an upvote to take your karma over 50 which is the amount you need to close your own question.

See this question for the answer to your next question :-0

Alternative you can change to using the LibreOffice portable version (for Windows).
Install the portable version (on an USB memory stick or your hard drive).
Copy your personal lists to the right folder in the portable version.

From now you can copy the folder containing the portable installation to other media and those copies will contain your personal libraries and settings.

Pro: Easy to move and backup your installation and personal pref’s, and any files you keep in that folder.
Cons: You can’t start the program by double clicking on a file, you have to start the program first and open the file from the program.

Thanks @robleyd! That helped a lot. I found path to “User” file, which has dictionary in it, along with other personal settings. To copy it to another computer, the path is shown in pull down, Tools-Options-LibreOffice-Paths! The Dictionary title shows path to “User” file, open Windows explorer, click this PC to see “Paths”. Worked great, I copied “User” file in windows 10 pasted it to Linux Lite, then Linux to windows! Path to “User” was…C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\User