Selecting all footnotes with ctrl + A

Earlier today I was able to select all footnotes with ctrl + A.

Then, as I was working on the footnotes for my document (none other than my doctoral thesis), something probably happened and now when I press ctrl + A, I can only select ONE footnote.

Something also happened: before the footnotes had single spacing, and now, an extra space was added after every footnote (I have around 700+ footnotes). I put on “Toggle formatting marks” and I see that there really is a space after every footnote (and I don’t know if I should just manually remove the space for each and every single footnote).

I just wanna finish my thesis. But this glitch is giving me a headache.

*Might be helpful to note that I was originally working on MS Word on a PC in a different country. Then when I moved to a new location, I no longer had MS Word, and so I basically copy-pasted that entire thesis on Libreoffice. Which screwed up a lot of the original formatting.

LO version (x64)
Save format docx

Please edit (=modify it) your question to mention OS name, LO version and save format (odt vs. doc(w)).

I don’t understand your “all footnotes selection”. It is not possible to do that because footnotes are not internally grouped in a reserved area. Ctrl+A selects the entirety of a single footnote (i.e. all paragraphs if it is multi-paragraph). Nothing more can be done because of the way notes are internally kept.

For your footnote spacing, attach a 1- or 2-page sample extracted from your thesis.

Reminder: for such a document it is imperative to work with styles to simplify your life. Otherwise you’ll never be able to meet the layout requirements or you’ll do so with great pain. Footnotes are styled Footnote and you perhaps modified this style to include additional space above or below.

You can select more than one footnote content with Shift+Up/Down Arrows.
Works for:
Version: (x86) / LibreOffice Community
Do NOT works for:
Version: (x86) / LibreOffice Community
CPU threads: 4; OS: Windows 6.1 Service Pack 1 Build 7601; UI render:

This doesn’t work for me.
(Recently tested with V7.5.3.2 and with V7.6.0.0.alpha1 64 bits under Win 10)

Also: ThisComponent.FootNotes isn’t a TextRanges object and can’t be selectd by user code.

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@ajlittoz Thanks a lot for your response!

Perhaps my footnotes were not styled “footnote” before, which could explain why I could select them all with ctrl + A.

So now that I’m basically in formatting hell (or purgatory, since I guess there’s a way out from this haha), is there anything I can do such that my footnotes are no longer “internally grouped in a reserved area”?

(Or maybe there’s a more elegant solution so that I could 1) get rid of the spaces between footnotes without manually having to erase them and 2) be able to format all my footnotes in a uniform way.)

No, this is a design choice. Footnote text is stored at the anchor location and displayed at bottom of page when the page is laid out. Consequently, the collection of footnote text is not contiguous, which makes it impossible to select globally.

From what I see on the screenshot (a screenshot has not the same diagnostic value a a file and usually don’t allow to find an explanation), you have empty paragraph in some of the notes (note 243 has none). You have typed them manually.

Since a well-formatted document never contains empty paragraphs (you style your thesis, don’t you?), you can delete empty paragraphs with Edit>Find & Replace. Enter ^$ in Find, nothing in Replace and tick Regular expression. Check with Find All then Replace All.

But this leaves one empty paragraph in notes, i.e. this won’t change your present state. These last empty paragraphs can only be removed manually.

Unfortunately, you chose to save your thesis .docx which is not the native Writer format. The document must be translated when opening and once again when saved. These repetitive conversions/translations progressively damage the document structure beyond repair. If .docx is a requirement of your supervisor/university, the correct way to address this issue is to work .odt and convert to .docx only to send the document to recipients. And never work on a returned reviewed document lest you’ll enter again in the damage cycle. The formats have not the same formatting features. IMHO ODF (for .odt) is more powerful and versatile than .docx because it better separates contents from appearance making possible to tune formatting without ever touching text (you only play with styles).
The best thing you can do is read the Writer Guide, understand that styles are in fact semantic tagging (you don’t request bold, italic, … but you tell Writer this is a chapter heading, my main topic, a note, in aimportant word, …), design your set of styles (starting from built-in ones you can customise) and, after that, paste our existing document as unformatted text in a blank document. You apply styles to the paragraph and words and you’re done.

This might explain the “I was able to select all footnotes with ctrl + A” - it could only be possible in a different program, because it was never possible in LibreOffice Writer. You likely remember how you did that in Word - that program, actually, allows such a selection.

Actually, you can select chunks of text throughout the document using Find > Find all, so why not select all footnotes or end notes in a like manner?

Might be a nice feature to have it here as well.

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If your text is well styled:


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Or simply customise Footnote paragraph style if the goal is only to change notes formatting. Customising the style does not need to select text first.

It certainly is technically possible to select all footnotes, because the LibreOffice extension AltSearch by Tomáš Bílek can do this. See my summary at my blog. I am basically copying the post by manj_k.

This query comes up again and again, all over the web. Please, oh please would the LibreOffice gods add “select all footnotes” to a main menu. Please!


Perhaps if you beseech them in the approved manner.


I shall do as you say.

If you submit an enhancement request, please provide here a link to it; you can use the format tdf#123456 to display the link.