Set todays date in a cell but then fix it

<ctrl><comma> inserts fixed Date <ctrl><shift><comma> inserts actual time only
and both in any order insert full Date-Time-Stamp!

The code suggested by @paddywan was explicitly made for usage by an onContentChanged handler. The date-of-last.-change should be inserted into the left adjacent cell.
I already commented on some expectable issues.

The >Insert>date command always inserts the date as a number and applies at the same time the default date format of the used locale. Since all these formats are bad, that’s bad.
The suggested code inserted text. Of course, that’s even worse if a bad format is used. If ISO 8601 is used, it’s next to optimal, however, because you can exchange such dates without any precautions (if not the line of date-leap for a different loaction needs to be regarded). In addition such textual dates ae recognized as operands for calculations by spreadsheets based on automatic conversion.

Ok, i see,
5 minutes of coding:

from datetime import datetime as dt

def date_on_content_changed(event):
        address = event.CellAddress
    if address.Column != 1:
    sheet = event.Spreadsheet
    sheet.getCellByPosition(0, address.Row).FormulaLocal = f"{}"

edit: use ‘FormulaLocal’ instead ‘Formula’ for automatic iso-date-formating.
more explizit flavour:

from datetime import datetime as dt

def date_on_content_changed(event):
    if hasattr(event, "CellAddress") and event.CellAddress.Column == 1:
        address = event.CellAddress
        sheet = event.Spreadsheet
        sheet.getCellByPosition(0, address.Row).FormulaLocal = f"{}"

edit 3: dont like scrolling horizontal:

from datetime import datetime as dt

def date_on_content_changed(event):
    if (hasattr(event, "CellAddress")
    and event.CellAddress.Column == 1):
        address = event.CellAddress
        sheet = event.Spreadsheet
        sheet[address.Row, 0].FormulaLocal = f"{}"