ssl libreoffice base to mysql on azure... how to put parameters?


I have the following string to use to connect to mysql on azure.
String url =“jdbc:mysql://{host_name}:3306/{your_database}?useSSL=true&requireSSL=false”; myDbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, “{your_username}”, {your_password});

I am trying to use libre office base to connect to it but can’t seem how to translate those fields provided into base.
Current OS: Windows 10
Libre Office Version: 6.0.3
JDBC driver is platform indepentent and was gotten from here:

I get the following error:

image description

HEEELP :smiley:


A bit late but this post should help → LibreOffice 6.x Base MySql connection using JDBC and SSL [Solved].