The ruler in Draw does not seem to respond when the units are feet

The ruler in Draw does not respond when changing the units to feet. When the unit of measurement selected is feet and the scale is changed, The ruler does not respond to scale changes either. This occurs for both vertical and horizontal rulers. The ruler responds to other units of measure.

Changes are made in Tools–Options–LIbreOffice Draw–General for the Unit of Measurement and Drawing Scale items. This occurs in Version I’m new to LibreOffice so maybe there are other changes to make. Is this a known issue? Is there a work around?

It looks like a bug, you should report it, How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki

For workarounds, this reply might help, Adjust ruler/grid for working with feet/inches - #3 by EarnestAl

If you are looking to align objects, try snap to grid, visible grid or View > Grid and helplines > Helplines while moving.

For sizing objects consider if a dialogue box might be helpful, Format > Position and size (F4)

Thanks for the help. Will report issue.

If you report the bug number here it will help others with the same issue. Enter the bug number in the form of tdf#123456 where the digits are the bug number and it will create an automatic link. Cheers, Al

The bug number is tdf#156406. Thanks for the help.

[Edit by EarnestAl to activate link]

The Feet is a relative large unit.
The numbers will not be appeared on an A4 size page. (Because the LO Draw shows only the integer numbers.)
It works (I can see the numbers of the scale) when I set the Page Size to A0 what has closely 4 Feet height.

The Position ad the Size properties have 0,01 resolution in the actual unit. The small drawing objects will show the coordinates and width-height values to rounded to the closest hundredth value.
(Tested in my LO 7.4.7)

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Thank you. Instead of changing the paper size I changed the scale to 1:50. I could then see the ruler and width height values for feet. Drew a line and both the ruler and width-height values agreed. Problem solved.