There is no margin above/below a specific font(or it is expressed narrowly)

MS Office version is Microsoft 365, libreoffice version
I wrote 1, 2, 3… a whole page in msword and loaded this from libreoffice, the page doesn’t fill up.

At first, I thought it was a problem with line spacing and spacing above/below paragraphs, but the settings were the same.

So, looking more closely, I found that this problem occurred with a specific font (Korean font), and that the problem did not occur with English fonts such as Arial or Tahoma.

Any way to solve this?

It happens the same regardless of libreoffice version.
I’ve installed everything from to

A screenshot is absolutely worthless in such a case (and you didn’t even enabled View>Formatting Marks).

Writer needs special configuration to handle correctly non-Western scripts. Have you enabled in Tools>Options, Language Settings>Languages Asian scripts with Korean language?

The European font configuration is separate from the Asian (Korean) part and you can have different fonts for them. Check that the requested font for Korean is the one you expect and installed.

I am not familiar at all with mixed European-Asian documents but I guess compatibility issues are much more complicated due to the differences in scripts. Be extremely careful with your document and save as .doc(x) only if there is a really compelling reason.

Thanks for your interest and reply.

First of all, I checked Asian script in Korean.

I’m working on a docx to pdf solution using libreoffice, so I’m working on making the docx fully importable from libreoffice.
Among the test files, using Korean fonts were found to be very different from the original, and were found during tracking.

Why would you use LibreOffice to do what you can do with MS Office? LibreOffice is not a clone of MS Office but an office suite in its own right with a very different document structure, an Microsoft does its best to keep their document structure as different as they can to force their customers to stay with them. So, you shouldn’t expect pixel perfect compatibility.

You can expect differences in how different implementations of a font will look. Especially between commercial fonts from, say, Lynotype or Adobe and free versions (that have to be different for purely legal reasons). Did you install the same fonts on different computers, or does LibreOffice display the same version of that font differently than MS Office?

Please upload a docx file originally made with MSO showing the problem in LibreOffice, that is the only way for us, and particularly for developers, to discover what’s wrong here.

Same question at the 한국어 category.

I suspect something to do with the text grid. In LibreOffice the Text Grid settings for Asian language are in Page Style. LibreOffice respects them from .docx as far as I can see in attached .docx
TestGrid.docx (4.7 KB)

Maybe the issue arises in Word, see Genko Page layout Microsoft Word 2010 and 2013 - Super User

Thank you to reply.

The parts that were omitted because they thought they were unnecessary created misunderstandings. sorry.

I don’t try Libreoffice just used as a MS Office convert tool.
I try that converts docx, xlsx, odt, pdf, image, etc.
I think lowriter is the tool for that.

I don’t think that MS Office and Libreoffice will always produce the same results, of course. But what I’m asking now is that only certain fonts come out differently than other office suites in height.

The font is the default “Malgun Gothic” font provided by MS Windows for Korean, but not only this font, most Unicode-supporting fonts show the same phenomenon.

I tested it with three office suites.
1.MS Office
3. Google docs

When I tested the three office suites with default margins on standard A4 paper, MS Office and Google docs gave the same results, but only Libreoffice gave different results with the “Malgun gothic” font.
Fonts like Arial and Tahoma all show the same result.

This test is the result of the same Windows PC.

I’ll upload the docx file and font I used for the test.
(I saved it with the font included in the document.)

I’m not an English speaker so I’m sorry if I’ve said something wrong.

font_test.docx (536.4 KB)

ps. OpenOffice shows the same results as MS Office or Google docs.

There is a difference. I do not have the font installed but my Word 2010 said font was Malgun Gothic so I used the font replacement table table to substitute it with that, but it made no difference.
I think you should post a bug report, How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki

Could it be that Arial and Tahoma has no hangul characters, and by this reason LibreOffice behaves differently with Malgun Gothic?
What about Batang, Dotum or Gulim fonts?

Thanks to reply.

I found that it works normally in the version below alpha, and a problem occurs in the version above it ( beta 1).
As you said, I’ll try to report a bug. thank you!

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Thanks to reply.

Other fonts show the same.

Please report bug number back here so other people finding this page can see it. Prepend the bug number with tdf# so it makes the link, e.g. tdf#123456