step 1 done
step 2 copied from C to F all the way down to the last line in Column A, i noticed lowercase “a” (without the “quotes”) in Cell didn’t include Column G14 to G207 but did not include Column G while dragging the Helper columns (C through F) all the way down to Row 25960.
Step 3 I don’t know what cell I’m starting from…I keep getting a popup that says
“You cannot change only part of an array.”
am i missing a step and supposed to be doing something with Column G and/or R (GENERATOR_GROUPS) because from what I’ve tried isn’t working.
I’m using a mac so when i press Control a popup appears so I guess it would be Command button.
Anyways, E25 and all the way down says #N/A
maybe something broke, I can’t alter anything in the Array (purple cells)
should’ve i done the helpers first then put my data in so the array cells would recognize it, im lost. is there an animated help gif or video?
I’ve tried various of things and still nothing is working either because I’m doing something wrong or not quite understanding the steps exactly as I need to do. If there was a video somewhere would probably solve this immediately but I’ve googled and checked youtube and came out short on a solution.
It won’t let me change anything, don’t know where to start. Some cells managed to fill with something Err:508. Am I supposed to delete everything in the purple box? Thank you
Thank you Lupp unfortunately the ask68180ComplicatedRearrangement001.ods engine does not work further than line 23 then stops. This may be due to Column A adjacent cells changing (there is no define pattern that i saw such as 6 rows of adjacent data 4 rows of empty rows 7 rows of adjacent data then 2 rows of empty rows and repeating until the column is exhausted of entries. I’ve tried several ways to edit the engine, without knowing where to start it’s a dead end.
I tried to follow the instructions you gave as well as I could comprehend and also tried various others methods. I didn’t think that this should be so difficult but I guess it is as this answer is only partially correct and no one else has commented. It’s disappointing that spreadsheet software these days isn’t intelligent enough to rearrange data with a couple of clicks. Maybe I’m using the wrong program but I thought Calc would be able to do this in a blink of an eye. Thanks for trying
This topic remains partially answered to anyone that would like to contribute, it’s much appreciated, hopefully programmers take input in forums and integrate it right away with new versions however with spreadsheet software being around for decades it seems as though it’s direction may be more focused on design than implementation. Spreadsheets should be able to do more advanced functions with sorting, filtering and rearranging data out of the box than just it’s basic operations and functions.
This topic remains partially answered to anyone that would like to contribute, it’s much appreciated, hopefully programmers take input in forums and integrate it right away with new versions however with spreadsheet software being around for decades it seems as though it’s direction may be more focused on design than implementation. Spreadsheets should be able to do more advanced functions with sorting, filtering and rearranging data out of the box than just it’s basic operations and functions.
SIDE NOTE Where is the checkbox to signup to email alerts when a new comment is added so one doesn’t have to open bookmarks to find this post. i dont need “subscribe to rss feed” i need to get an email that someone posted. thank you