This is my first post here
Thank you all for having me here
I have one issue and two questio
I use Writer quite a lot but many times I have the issue that I close the file without saving
Therefore, I ahve chosen the option “save every ten minutes”
However, I see no way to retrieve the files once you have closed without saving
In the box of the previous versions, there is none
So I have two questions
- What is the point of being able to tick “save automatically” if then
you cant retrieve? - I have noticed a few BAK files in the system
I was trying to read them but this is what they look loike
'Y6ノ%羂7R35cオ2 I拜bノ・)4ホ ・世ルX2啾タp,#X縊~ヤ]v+nエ5ソnロiy艀'ヤツ S・?3碑Fコ・裵ッn・・・ソw找i}旙鉛フナウhm息V」ES褶>ケ>~ー・・ミニ"シ蔕 p・ャィZ_。メワョ設a嵭癖zケョ]W。ヤ@レurEuゥL^&テKn・ueハJトコャH・ワヲ覧・榊2・lΟx・D'抑キ]談瓜「Ⅶ邯Nイ,Ge・ヒ些フト8v・4ネミゥ鱠
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Is there any way to read such files and to see the content?