Unable to create HTTP client. Make sure LibreOffice is configured to allow HTTP requests

Thank you for these links and suggestions. I have had a look through and to me it does not appear to provide me with a way to gather the information I am seeking. But that may be a product of my lack of technical coding abilities and understandings.

My thoughts were simply to access both of the websites containing the two contracts of interest via a HTTP connection out of Calc based on the criteria I have prescribed.
Is this not possible to set up automatically via a macro script written in the appropriate language as I can certainly do these actions manually using the two website addresses above? But I would need to do tis some 220 times to gather the addresses then another 220 times submitting those qualified addresses to the second contract to find their holding amount then add them all together. My need for this macro is to provide proof that my calculations in several spreadsheets I have done are actually factual and accurate. The aggregate total will provide the number I need to prove or disprove my other calculations in these spreadsheets.
is the AI code I posted anywhere near being able to do this with some adjustments and corrections?

No, if you remember

Lets put it in the real world: You asked for help to get “abcdef”. AI said give your Corvette to your daughter Cindy and let her drive 200 miles to the east. Then buy at Acme-shop with credit card “Silver-Surfer 24”.
My guess is this is impossible for you.
Can you fix it?
Is it possible to buy a Corvette…
It will take time to raise a daughter…
If you live on the american east coast, it could be quite difficult to drive eastwards…
For computing: Yes this can be fixed, but therefore you have to to fill the stuff AI imagined. So actually you solve the problem, but will name the solution as AI suggested. So maybe name your next child Cindy…

Thank you for dropping by with your very helpful advice. Enjoy your life.

Sorry, but I felt you needed a blunt advice. You already got the helpful ones, but tried to go back on step 1.
One can try, if WEBSERVICE() in Calc or an external curl command on the shell works. Python also has a lot of libraries for http connections and there is also webscraping. And some cases are not solvable directly, because a website protects the data from being read to quickly by software, if they earn their money from advertisements.

Thank you that is somewhat helpful that I might be able to build on. I am trying to do something that I do not have the training or experience nor understanding of the syntax and the context. I have created a lot of spreadsheets with very involved calculations as I can generally work out the maths but when it come to coding and speaking another language I struggle due to lack of knowledge. I guess firstly I need to work out how to make a connection via HTTP to the website(s) and retrieve a basic data request then try and go from there with adding in the other intricacies including the looping. The websites are contracts and have no advertisements of any sort so that will not be an issue. They are actually created to be queried by (smarter) people for the data within.
Thank you for suggesting if WEBSERVICE() as I will try that first up.