Undeclared symbol passes by Option Explicit

Given the code below, in every case while an error is thrown at runtime the GetAcive variable is not noticed under Compile action. My typing is my fault, but shouldn’t this come up with an undeclared symbol error?

Option Explicit
Option Base 0

Sub TestSheetName	
	MsgBox SheetName(1)
End Sub
'Get name of 'current' sheet
	'May require a full recalculation after a sheet name change
	'Works as expected when used as a UDF
	'BUT NOTE: ActiveSheet and sheet calling this code may not be the same
	'	so use with some caution
	'Sheet index is assumed to be 1-based
Function SheetName(Optional SheetIndex As Variant)
	Dim GetActive As Boolean
	Dim Result As Variant
	Dim Row As Integer
	Dim Column As Integer
	Dim Index as Variant

	Const ErrorText = "[No sheet]"
	On Error Goto Handler
	GetActive = False
	If IsMissing(SheetIndex) Then
		GetActive = True
	ElseIf IsEmpty(SheetIndex) Then	
		GetActive = True
	ElseIf IsNull(SheetIndex) Then
		GetActive = True

	If GetAcive Then 'Bad symbol
		SheetName = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Activesheet.Name
		Exit Function

	If IsArray(SheetIndex) Then
		ReDim Result(LBound(SheetIndex) to UBound(SheetIndex), LBound(SheetIndex,2) to UBound(SheetIndex,2))
		For Row = LBound(SheetIndex,1) to UBound(SheetIndex,1)
			For Column = Lbound(SheetIndex,2) to UBound(SheetIndex,2)
				If IsNumeric(SheetIndex(Row, Column)) Then
					'Empty or text entries in SheetIndex() will result in "", the empty string
					Index = SheetIndex(Row, Column) - 1
					If (Index >= 0) And (Index < ThisComponent.Sheets.Count) Then
						Result(Row, Column) = ThisComponent.Sheets(Index).getName
						Result(Row, Column) = ErrorText
					End If
				End If
			Next Column
		Next Row
		SheetName = Result
		If IsNumeric(SheetIndex) Then
			'Normal case for looking up sheet name from 1-based index
			Index = SheetIndex - 1
			If Index <= ThisComponent.Sheets.Count - 1 Then
				SheetName = ThisComponent.Sheets(Index).getName
				SheetName = ErrorText
			SheetName = ErrorText
		End If
	End If
	Exit Function
		SheetName = ErrorText
End Function

134503 – Editing OPTION EXPLICIT does not report an undefined variable
may be reopen …

In this respect, LO Basic differs from VBA.
LO Basic’s architecture allows libraries to be loaded at runtime, so undeclared variables cannot be defined during compilation.
For example, GetAcive could be the name of a procedure in a library that will be loaded during macro execution.


In LibreOffice Basic, Option Explicit is not a compile-time option, it’s run-time option.