Web hyperlinks not preserved after export to PDF

In Calc I have a web hyperlink with URL ‘www.7-zip.org’. When I Ctrl-click on it (in the .ods file), I arrive straight at the desired website. After converting to PDF (File - PDF …) however when I hoover over the hyperlink it shows ‘file:///C:/…’.
This problem does not occur in Writer.
LO version is

In Calc, click on the hyperlink and press Ctrl+K. What is the hyperlink address, not the text? Modify the hyperlink if needed

Ctrl+K shows the hyperlink address ‘https://www.7-zip.org/’.
I did some extra tests: I normaly ‘Export as PDF…’, using the option ‘Whole sheet export’ (under Structure). When I do not select this option, then the hyperlinks in the PDF are OK !

Please upload an ODF type sample file (and a PDF, too).

Opend issue 157780 – Calc: Web hyperlinks not preserved after export to PDF

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Cannot reproduce with on macOS 13.6. An exported PDF from Calc results in a clickable link in the exported PDF.

Can you share a screenshot of calc showing the Hyperlink dialog for the cell in question and another screenshot of the export options you see when selecting File > Export as PDF ….

I found out that the problem only occurs when the PDF Export option ‘Whole sheet export’ is selected. Otherwise are the hyperlinks in the PDF OK.
Hereby the requested info:

  1. Sample file Whole_sheet_export.ods
  2. PDF file Whole_sheet_export.pdf
  3. Screenshot hyperlink dialog
  4. Screenshot PDF Options
    Whole_sheet_export.ods (9.0 KB)
    Whole_sheet_export.pdf (18.3 KB)

    I was not able to upload the hyperlink dialog (‘Sorry, new users can only put one embedded media item in a post.’), but you can find the information in the .ods file.

Reproducible on Windows 11 with LibreOffice

The “Whole Sheet Export” setting was introduced in version 6.4
link: LibreOffice 6.4: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki

I see the same result in and

Great work finding what triggers the issue. @FranDries could you file a new issue about this and once created add your sample document and exported pdf? I did a brief search but did not find a report that matched this.