Hello All: Tried what you said but still getting a one(1). Tried using format in menu bar above but fractions selection is not there. Used right click selected fractions but still getting a one(1) as a result.
I just went ahead and entered the correct fractions via text and right margin formatted the affected cells. Thank all of you for trying to help me. It’s just a small thing that’s happening. I’m not going to quit using Libre Office, it’s a great app. I’m still open to suggestions though. Again, thanks to all of you.
A follow-up to my comment on the comments on the answer by @anon87010807 .
See also this reworked version of the C:\fakepath\LO Fraction1.ods
file here.
Disable Precision as shown
in Tools > Options > LibreOffice Calc > Calculate
Disabled precision as shown made no difference still the same ole number 1
The file I got didn’t show the issue for me. Is there another one? Did you try the reworked file I uploaded in return?
Another hunch: You may try to (cautiously) reset your user profile. A corruption of the user profile is known to cause strange errors sometimes. See this guide.
I opened both the files recently attached by editing to the OQ ("two more files: .ods and .xlsx) and checked the fractions displayed in column E. They were correct in every case. (Meanwhile I completed the test with another version. 5.4.4 and 6.0.0 showed no differences.)
Which cell (name one or two) showed a wrong fraction (which one) for you?
Did you try the suggestion concerning your user profile?
If the files I"m uploading to you do work on your Libre Office calc and don’t work on mine that probably means that there is something wrong with my installation. That"s why I sent you screenshots of the the files in question. Is that possible? Should I try and uninstall and reinstall Libre Office?
Did you read the suggestion concerning the user profile contained in my first comment to this answer and repeated in the second one?
If the user profile is corrupted, this will not be cured by a new install. As the UP contains the user’s settings, templates, and “macros”, LibO does not change or replace it when a new version is installed. Please read the guide I linked in above thoroughly.
My user profile was ok according to the steps followed abive.
Have you updated LO? Showed 3/4 in a1 & a2 for me! Dell E6420, LO Format to 123 4/9…OR 123 2/4! On both cells. Seems you may want reinstall LO or at least update. If it doesn’t then. File a bug report.
Guess I’ll have to file a bug report. Upgraded to ver 6 yesterday on one of my laptops via software updater. Still the same result
Well, I tried Linux Mint off of a live CD and loaded up the LO calc fraction file and got the correct answer of “3/4”. There where only 2 format options in “format sheet” for Fractions. One was the return of “3/4” and the other was “3/ 4” with the 4 moved over to the right one space. Iv’e gotten 2 upgrades of Libre Office Version. 6 from Ubuntu but it didn’t change anything in LO calc Ubuntu Mate fraction problem. Does this information help anyone trying to help me troubleshoot this problem
It looks like to me that LO Calc fraction format is rounding the affected numbers Up. Maybe I’m wrong though.