why does Enter cause an extra bracket to appear in formula

Dell Inspiron Os W10 Office Libre 7 and 6. Tried re-install did not work. IF condition does not work as it used to do.

I have no clue. Please provide a clue!

  • What do you try to enter?

    Please post your exact formula, like you try to enter it, i.e. before the change happens. Don’t just explain how it appears. We need the real thing.
  • What do you get when you press enter?
    again, detail please!
  • Altered formula?
  • Unexpected formula result?
  • Warning/error message?
  • Something else?

You can edit your question posting to attach a file showing the issue and provide detail as requested, or just give details in a comment.

@spyder107, Please, edit your previous question and add there the new info. Then close this instance. Thanks.