Windows 8 Installation Help Needed

It’s probably worth letting you know I’m too old to be too technical folks! :slight_smile: Using the download process on I got a .MAN file downloaded (Google dumb default I believe) and changed it to .MSI (as per earlier thread). When I double click that a browser opens with this message at the foot of the screen -

“This type of file can harm your computer. Do you want to keep LibreOffice_4.2.8_Win_x86.msi anyway?” Keep/Discard.

When I click ‘Keep’ it puts an icon for the file at the foot of the screen. All I can find to do to that is click it to open the file, which just puts on screen another identical icon next to the first one.

What should I be doing with the .MSI file?

Still need help please. I have got the .msi file already. When I double click it in a file manager view it just opens up a browser and puts an icon at the foot of the screen, from where all I can do is open it again. No installation take place and I can’t see LibreOffice anywhere.

I would go to desktop mode, download the latest version of LibreOffice, which is 4.3 and install from desktop mode.

I’m in desktop mode when I go to file manager and double click the file I’d downloaded from When it opens with Chrome or any other browser it just seems to take a copy of it and put a link to it in the browser, and that’s all.

Is there a specific app that the file has to be opened with or something?

You’re opening it correctly. No, there is no other app that opens the .msi file. It is an executable that runs on it’s own inside Windows. The problem seems to be that, when clicked, it opens in a web browser, if I understand you correctly. It should not. Did you download the file with IE or Chrome? If you didn’t use Chrome, use it and try to download the file again. This has worked for others.

Downloaded LibreOffice main installer again to C drive (and changed .man to .msi). Now double click to open gives this -
Windows Installer: This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.

At least it’s trying to install. It can a compatibility issue or an administrator rights issue. Go to this Microsoft support page and follow the instructions that begin “To Run the installation program in compatibility mode:” Link. If that fails, look at the user list on the pc, login as the administrator and install the app.

So is Windows Installer is the correct way to open/run the file?

Yes, just double-click it and the installer should run.

Thanks just waiting for a friend to call round now and help with compatibility issue

See the answer to the question here: The extension is .man instead of .msi in the downloadable files

It suggests changing an IE setting to solve the problem. You will have to download the program again. An alternate solution would be to download the program again, but before saving the file to your pc, put quotes in front of and behind the filename in the filename field, then click save. For example:

Either solution will get you a working copy of LibreOffice. Enjoy!

Renaming the *.man (or * to *.msi should do it without a new download. Renaming and doublecklick should, of course, be done in a file manager view. If there pops up a security alert again, the security setting for the system (not only for the browser) should be cahnged.