The collection of endnotes are mixed up, which changes in time.
I use LibreOffice on Ubuntu 20.04.
I have a document of 349 pages and use 53 endnotes. To give the reader extra information, I added the pagenumber, using cross-section, where the endnote is used in the text. Beside that I have a good view of the sequence of the endnote. The pagenumbers must go from low to high.
Also because the number of endnotes are large, containing 4 pages, I use grouping, for the endnotes. Using Grouping endnote by chapter for LO 7.0 - English - Ask LibreOffice
Multiple mixed up:
The collection of the endnotes are mixed up. Both in the group, and for the endnotes them self.
Also the page style is mixed up. I use specific left page and right page. But the left page style is also used for the right page. Sometime a blanco page is on the right side.
These mixed up is not stable. When refreshing the index, it change. If closing and opening the document, is changes. And even when I close and open LibreOfiice it changes. But not always.
My question are:
- Is this a know issue?
- How can this be solved? An ugly work-arround, I do not mind.