Writer - Problems with bibliography formatting

I don’t know how to describe this - but I have a new computer and the most recent version of LibreOffice and my .doc documents, created with the LibreOffice on my old computer look super weird now.

Like, if I copy and paste the stuff into this window it comes out looking right, but in my libreoffice it looks like gibberish.

I would attach a document or picture but I don’t have enough points?

Can I downgrade to a different libre office?

Document example C:\fakepath\bibliography (1).doc

This is how it looks for me

I mean, it’s not even true for all my documents but particularly my bibliographies are full of gibberish.

I’m using LibreOffice 5.2 now.

Hi @Songs_n_Socks I have increased your karma, I think you should be able to attach a file now

Hi @PYS, thank you. Attached document. it looks fine! Whyyy does it not look fine when opened with my libre office? It drives me nuts

It looks fine in my copy of LibreOffice. The first solution seems to be: Reset your user profile. Shut down LibreOffice, including the Quickstarter if you still use that. Then rename the user profile folder - the folder called “user” - important: rename it, don’t just delete it if you have many customizations and macros.

You wrongly use tabs to indent the second, and sometimes the third line of an item. Instead use a hanging indent, see attached edited file. 14813821437851995a.doc

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. :wink:
Here’s the odt version: 14813821437851995a.odt

Uninstall or just close?

Just close. Uninstalling doesn’t help - if it did, you’d have a problem when you install a new version of Libre. Uninstalling leaves your customizations (and that’s what’s in the user profile) alone.

So @anon87010807 I did that and the document still looks as in the screenshot above. I checked in the folder and libre office just created a new folder called “user” after I renamed the old one.

Okay, then we need to look for another cause, but keep this one in mind, it solves a large number of problems.

I’m on, if you are on that as well, that’s not the problem. You do have the required font, and how does the file look that I attached?

The same (see my answer)


Maybe you should do the re-install. You can also sign up at http://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/ and ask your question there. people there are helpful. Just enter a fake AOO version in your signature to get past the registration procedure (a trick to deflect spam bots).

This is how it looks @anon87010807

Is this enabled: Tools - Options - LibreOffice - View - Use OpenGL for all rendering?
If yes, try to disable it and restart LibO.