How to normalize a decision matrix with LibreBasic in Calc?

I want to run a normalization on a decision matrix of 4 times 6. I have entered my numbers in a sheet in Calc.
The formula I am using is \pi_{ij}=
{\sqrt{\Sigma_{i=1}^m x_{ij}^2}} image description


I wrote the following Basic code. It seems to have no errors, but does not do anything.

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Sub Main


End Sub

Sub Normalize (ByVal n As Integer,ByVal m As Integer)

Dim Doc As Object
Dim Sheet As Object
Dim SrcCell 'Cell in the source matrix 
Dim TargetCell 'Cell in the target matrix where normalized values are saved 
Dim TempCell As Object 

Dim I 'index 
Dim J 'index 
Dim JJ 'inner index 
Dim Sum 'Sigma x_ij^2 (j=0 to m)
Dim m 'maximum row index 
Dim n 'maximum column index 

Doc = ThisComponent
Sheet = Doc.Sheets(0)

For I = 0 to n  'traverse columns 
	For J=0 to m 'traverse rows 
		SrcCell = Sheet.getCellByPosition(I,J)
		'Now apply the normalization formula for this cell 
		'Run a new loop to run formula on this cell 
		Sum = 0	'Reset Sum to 0
		For JJ=0 to m 
			TempCell = Sheet.getCellByPosition(I,JJ)
			Sum = Sum + (TempCell.Value^2)
		TargetCell = Sheet.getCellByPosition(I+n+1,J) 'Place the normalized cells in a new matrix cell, n+1 cells away
		'Put the sum in the formula 
		TargetCell.Value = SrcCell.Value/Sqr(Sum)

End Sub 

What is the problem?
Spreadsheet file:

Attach fikles (.ods in this case) instead of images, please!

Hello @jasonlibreoffice,

just remove or comment-out the 2 lines:

Dim m 'maximum row index 
Dim n 'maximum column index

I would love to get informed in whatt way this should help.

n and m are passed as the method arguments , the dim resets them.

@librebel: Yes I saw that. But in addition I thought the repeated calculation of the sum of squares would spoil the thing. It didn’t, but only wasted time. Sorry for my rash comment. I doubt if the OQ will be interested, but you might be. Therefore I will post a second answer with a demonstartion of possible solutions and “something” attached. This is not intended to be a demotion of your answer.

See my comments to the answer by @librebel .)

This attachment was announced there.

Hallo @Lupp, thank you for this interesting demonstration, plus additional macros for normalizing the matrix per column.

As for the “$$Test” Sheet name, it would be clearer if Sheet names would not begin with a “$” character, but i don’t know if it could lead to any operative troubles…

Any idle “enhancement” concerning reasonable syntactical limitations will cause trouble. Well, the grave errors related to the misleading single apostrophes for sheetnames beyond classical syntax for names seem to be worked off meanwhile. The fact that the enclosing apostrophes never become a part of the actual name, but get part of the formulae referencing into the respective sheet causes a pita as soon as you try to extract sheetnames from formulae…
No Calc function for sheetnames!

The function returnRangeForAddress from the above attached example may serve as an example for the useless complications caused by the admission of dollar signs (in specific leading ones) in sheetnames.

@librebel: You may try to suggest a clearer solution.