When will LibreOffice add a certain feature?

Note: this is for further discussion of the answer given here: http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/frequently-asked-questions/#features

Because LibreOffice is open source and developed by a community, developers choose which features they want to add, based on their own needs (or the needs of customers). If you really want to see a certain new feature, you can consider financing certified developers (Certified Developers | The Document Foundation - The House of LibreOffice and Document Liberation Project) to implement a feature. Alternatively, if you have some technical ability, you can get involved and work on new features with the rest of the community: http://www.libreoffice.org/community/get-involved/

I have posted a long time ago a new fucntionality for Base.
All the products of libreoffice can save the documents with password, excep Base. If you want save your database with security, it can’t be possible.
Why not include this option at Base like the others products?.
Kind regards.

Hello @soon_1900,

First, it helps no one to post as Wiki. Also this is not an answer you post but actually a question. Requests for new functions are done only through Bugzilla and it seems you have never made such a request there.

Additionally, database security is via the database itself. The default embedded database should typically not be used for anything but testing & education. All other types of databases have such security in them.

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