Libreoffice 5.4.0 writer portrait document prints as landscape

Since I installed 5.4.0, Writer docs in portrait have appeared in Print Preview and have printed as landscape, regardless of what I have done in Format Page. I tried again, applied, saved, restarted &c. but finally had to deal with problem by saving as Microsoft Word .doc, then opening and printing with old Microsoft software. Time constraints on a present project prevent me from spending more time on this now, but I hope someone can tell whether the error is mine or this is a bug.

I just started experiencing this issue of rotated text when printing in LO on MacOS 10.11.6.
I’m pretty sure this started spontaneously (not related to an update that I can recall.)

Happens with existing documents as well as newly created ones

This is “Office Space” level frustration!

This is happening to me and is obviously a bug in the program. Many others have complained of this issue. It makes LibreOffice useless to me. I’m going back to OpenOffice.

This just started happening to me. v5.3.7.2. The work aound to set paper width to 8.52" worked.

Adding the workaround to this thread for those that wind up here.

Format → Page → Page: Paper Format, Width: and change the width from 8.50" to something like 8.52"

This workaround did the trick for me! I set the width to 8.52 and It printed my portrait document with portrait orientation. Thank you!

I just experienced this problem for the first time running
Your workaround did the trick for me also.
Thank you!

Much as Sakshale above, my first encounter was using, but that was probably just by chance since I rarely need to print documents. The workaround worked perfectly. I also found that exporting (not printing) to PDF does not rotate the document (with normal page size), and then I print the PDF from my Mac’s Preview app.

The version 5.4 is a pre-release version and is not intended for production

But there is a good news: You can install LO in parallel (have 2 different version on your computer, for example, have 1 stable like the V5.3+ and 1 for testing new features like the 5.4)

In all case, it would be nice to report the bug you encounter of the 5.4 pre-release

That is not true.
5.4 is released. It’s just it’s recommended to enthusiasts and early adopters. Pre-releases are called alpha-, beta-, and RC. 5.4 has already gone through all these.

Anyway, I have version and it’s happening. It is clearly a bug.

I experienced the same problem in the so-called “stable” release, 5.3.5, I believe. Neither that nor the “fresh” version works. However, the workaround of slightly changing the page dimensions to 8.51x11 DOES let you print the right way. This problem has been around for a while.

I’m experiencing this problem in LibreOffice I haven’t had this problem in past versions of LibreOffice. I have a normal portrait Text document and when I go to print (on Mac) it shows the document oriented landscape, so printing to PDF wouldn’t work for me.

The “workaround”: I downloaded the latest version of OpenOffice and opened the same document and it works fine. Unfortunately that means I’ll have to leave LibreOffice behind for now. Having a “stable” release with a major bug like this is not good. I hope LibreOffice corrects this because it’s otherwise been a great software suite for me.

People that ask on this site often don’t look for duplicates before asking. Yet others “answer” with those multiple “me too”-style comments (while answer should help asker to solve original question, not add the noise). So they just have created so many identical questions, and so many useless answers, that it’s just plain impossible to add the relevant information to each of them, and even when there’s an actually useful answer in some of them, it’s buried under piles of those needless repeating “answers”, so those looking for answers likely just don’t see them.

This problem has been fixed for 5.4.4.

As far as I can tell, Version: is the latest official release and it still contains this bug.
Changing the page width to 8.5" still works.

How’s “Version: is the latest official release”? It is obsolete for loooooooooooooooooong! Current releases are 6.1.5 and 6.2.0.