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This problem may not be possible with libre-office and my asking the question may only serve to illuminate my ignorance of libre-office. I have poured over the forums and wiki without finding what I am looking for.
Picture this - I have a template/document with five words or phrases that appear formatted like links so they can be clicked on. For example:
apple bar rug office car
I would like to open this template and be able to click on the words I want to stay, while the ones I do not click on disappear from the final document. So I click on apple and rug for example and the final document would only show:
apple rug
If this is possible, I would build a comprehensive multiple page template with all the options that are possible so I can quickly click down through and the final saved document would have only what I selected.
I thank you for considering.
I also posted the question (asked differently after thinking about it and with more trial/error in the openoffice forums here)