How to extract different parts of cell and place in other

I was looking for solution but unfortunately nothing works for me. Also truth is that i am not so experienced with libreoffice. I kindly ask you for help. To the point.

I have a column with the name of product and size(ex. KASK ARAI SZ-F DIAMOND BLACK XS). I would like to extract name(KASK ARAI SZ-F DIAMOND BLACK) and place in new column, the same I would like to do with sizes(XS,S,M,L,XL,XXL) so it look like this:

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Since the number of syntactical parts of the compounds may not be fix,
‘Data’ > ‘Text to Columns…’ may not work. For a solution by formulae see this attachment.

It’s another case where a spreadsheet isn’t the appropritae means.
Anyway a solution relies on a function being capable of joining an arbitrary number of text pieces. The TEXTJOIN() function usable here in simple cases is only sufficiently implemented in V 5.3. or higher.

Moreover this is another case where a solution may look fine when testing with some dozens of data sets, but may be too inefficient with a few thousand - and will no longer work at all probably with significantly more. Tasks of the kind are what databases are made for.
See this new example, however.

Thank you it works! Right now i would like to figure out how to put all sizes of given product in one line separated by “;”
so it look like this
ex: S;XS;M

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