Create cumulative sum/ running total in column

How do I create a simple function that will sum a cumulative total in a column? That is every descending field will sum the total from the field to the left to the total in the field above.

Considering the values being in Column A and the accumulated in B, the formula in B will be = SUM(a$1:a1), and replicate to the cells below.

Good answer @Gilberto Schiavinatto, but the spaces inside the formula cause an error 501.

Please edit it without spaces as =SUM(A$1:A1)

Yes, I did not notice the collage. Google translator that places the spaces.

So please edit the answer so that others don’t make the same mistake :slight_smile:

Ok @quazgar, done.

What is the “$” in the formula for?

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$1 = sets the value 1, does not change when replicating in the column below.

Here’s a example and tutorial on running total column in Calc: