Enable "Ribbon Theme" like Ms as default for all users

Hi, I’m recently noticed that new versions of libreoffice have an experimental setting, activating this setting, its possible to enable the Ribbon Theme. Ok.

I want to know if the Ribbon Theme (Like Ms word) can available for all users with a simple configuration or in current versions isn’t possible do this?. My interest is to deploy (mount) a s.o image with this feature enabled by default.

Thx for support.

Enabling Ribbon Theme

I am not exactly sure what your question is, but I’ll attempt an answer. (Language may be a barrier here.)

With older versions of LO, you needed to enable experimental features. (I think you may have done this already, but I cannot tell from the writing.) Click Tools>Options>Advanced>Enable Experimental Features. You will need to restart LO after enabling experimental features. (I’m currently using LO 7.1 and this step is no longer required.)

Once you’ve enabled experimental features & restarted, you can change the User Interface. There are a few different options that you can use. In LO 7.1, there is a new dialog box that allows you to change the User Interface and apply it to see what it looks like instead of going back and clicking through to see each interface.

I have not had a problem enabling this for multiple users in the past, though my current machine has only a single user account. Apologies if this doesn’t answer your question.

Thank you for the answer. But i’ve solve this question with 3 simple steps.

  1. Configure the reference profile.

Logon into the user, configure product like your tip and some configurations if you like (e.g. disable new versions notification, specify default format when save files, others configurations you like).

  1. After done configuration reference to your environment, copy the LibreOffice folder located into current user appdata folder then copy it to default user appdata folder.

E.g. C:\Users\currentUser\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice to C:\Users\default\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice

  1. To test it, just create a new user then do logon with this new user created. Open the libreoffice and compare if your results are working as configurated in previous step (1).

Keep in mind that this method will slightly increase the size of new users’ folders when they sign in.
