Macro to delete blank rows, having no content,rows in a given range

As a1 to a100. having many blank rows to delete.

If this is about rows not having content in column A it’s simple:
-1- Select the range of column A you want to work on, A1:A100 e.g.
-2- Apply Data > AutoFilter
-3- Select the range A2:A100 now (leaving out the column header now connected to the filter).
-4- Delselect All and select Empty from the filter’s dropdown.
-5- Rightclick one of the row headers and apply Delet Rows.
-5- Select All for the filter.

If your question is about rows without any content in any column, please state this explicitly by editing your question.

(Edit 1:)
Since the orioginal question was explicitly about a macro, and the actuall condition for deletion of rows was somehow unclear, I also sketched an example Calc document going into more detail and allowing for more flexibility.
There is also a solution by “macro” now only deleting rows without a content in any cell. The range to work on is determined from the CurrentSelection here.

Thanks @Lupp. That was more than enough to clean it all up. Simple, yes, I forgot about those options in Data, for a quick fixes which I needed only this once. You have helped me out much this last month or so, thanks for your time and knowledge!