Load Styles/From file not working?

I want to modify the styles of one document to match the same styles
from another document. I open document B, open Styles and formatting
and click on the icon of the upper right corner, select Load from file
and select document A. Nevertheless, the styles in document B do not
become the same as in document A. For example, heading 2 in document A
has Font Arial 12 while heading 2 in document B has font Liberation Sans 14

Should not all styles in document B had become as in document A? Am I doing something wrong
or is this a bug?


That works fine for me with two test documents (Heading 1-3, Text Body),

LibreOffice 3.6.5, fonts: Liberation Sans, Calibri.

Do you have enabled the options :ballot_box_with_check: Text … :ballot_box_with_check: Overwrite?

See also screenshot (2) in → this answer.


Test Document A (Liberation Sans)

Test Document B (Calibri)

It works with Overwrite enabled, I only had Text enabled.