How do I remove the "Light Blue Color Block" from a Writer Document?

Hello everyone,

I was working w/ a Writer Document (.odt), when suddenly part of a word became a “Light Blue” color. I’ve never seen this occur before, so I have no idea what combination of buttons I hit to accidentally create this.

I am certain it is not a Highlight Color, or a Background Color b/c I am familiar w/ those functions and tried those tools.
The file is attached.

Task List = Career Skills.odt

Great. Just opened the attachment, and it does not show the error. Ugh.
What on Earth have I done?

Okay, so I closed the file and re-opened it, and now its gone. What the Heck was that about?

Fingers. Numerous people have experienced this problem for decades.

Most probably this is the result of holding down Shift and pressing Right Arrow or Left Arrow, or Ctrl+someArrow, etc.

To select the characters under the moving cursor, […] hold down the Shift key when you move the cursor.

Source: Navigating and Selecting With the Keyboard.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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