Windows 4.0.2 update asks for Admin?? I am the admin.

Seriously, this is frustrating. Simple WIN7HP installation, I get this error message:

Error 1303. The installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4.0\URE\bin. … Log on as an Admin…

I am the only user, there is no Admin as such. Now what?

Unfortunately, you do not have enough OS knowledge. There is Admin in your system. It may have a different name, but it could not be removed or blocked.

Refer my answer here.

Oweng, I read your post. I have given up trying to install LO. I am reverting back to Openoffice, it works fine. This error is above my user skills to fix in my PC (WIN7HP).

Yes, I admit that MS is not exactly helpful in telling you how to go about fixing the problem. It is a widespread issue that does not just affect LO. These instructions for the same problem in relation to Abode Creative Suite are more detailed and are likely more helpful. It is just a folder permission problem.