Change (or eliminate) default cell background shading for URL

Appreciate the assistance in expediting an undoubtedly a simple procedure…

Please read these guidelines and don"t post as wiki for one-person questions.

Edit (meaning don"t answer) to give more information. You tagged the question “common” but it surely is related either to Calc or Writer. Provide more technical details.

Just need to eliminate the gray (change default to white) background color for web links entered into cells, which. This elimination of contrast makes text virtually unreadable.

Don’t know why this wouldn’t be “common”, but didn’t see more suitable tag option.

System continued to kick back attempts to submit question, with “Answer all fields”, which I had - other than perhaps checking wiki option (whatever that meant)

Tag common is for a problem common to all components Writer, Calc, Impress, Base, Draw and Math. Your question is about Calc for which calc is the right tag.

The grey background for URLs is not configurable (that is the standard field shading). However, in the next version (6.2), the shading is removed in cells (but not in formula bar).