Is there any way to make checkboxes that work in both Microsoft Word and Libre Writer? [keywords: content control, form control]

In Microsoft Word, I can add a checkbox via ‘Content Control’ which can be clicked on and it will check and uncheck a box.

When this file is opened in Libre Writer, it appears as a placeholder and cannot be checked or interacted with.

In Libre Writer, I can add a checkbox via ‘Form Control’ which can be clicked on and it will check and uncheck a box.

When this file is opened in Microsoft Word, it gives an error and cannot be opened.

Steps to reproduce in Word:

  1. In Microsoft Word, enable the developer menu by going to File > Options > Customize Ribbon > and check the box next to ‘Developer’ to enable the developer menu.

  2. In Word, click the developer menu and click the check box to add a check box to your document.

  3. Save as a .docx

  4. Open the file in LibreWriter. The check box appears as a square and cannot be checked. If it was already checked, it appears as a checked box and cannot be unchecked.

Steps to reproduce in Libre Writer:

  1. In Libre, click ‘View > toolbars > form controls’

  2. insert a check box from the form controls menu that comes up. This check box can be checked in Libre.

  3. Save the file as a Word .docx, or .odt

  4. Attempt to open the file in Word. The file is unable to be opened because of ‘problems with the contents’.


Is there any way to make checkboxes that work in both Microsoft Word and Libre Writer?

libre form control

word content control

Hopefully this is logged as a bug