I am using Writer for LibreOffice on Windows 7. My document is saved in .odt format.
Every time I close and re-open the document, each of my paragraph styles reset the “style” attribute to the top-most option in the list.
Example: My Gill Sans font lists style attributes in the order Bold Condensed, Condensed, Bold, Regular, Italic. Many of my headings are Gill Sans Regular, but when I close and re-open my document, they are reset to Gill Sans Bold Condensed, as it is at the top of the list.
Any advice would be appreciated. This issue is manageable for the current document, but I’m creating a style master that I will re-use over and over again, and the only solution I can think of is editing the fonts with an external tool to create custom versions with only my style attribute of preference.
Edit:: it seems from the replies that this may be a known bug with Libreoffice. My next test solution will be to use an external tool to make custom fonts with only the single desired attribute so each cannot reset.